Day 33 Fifth Sunday In Lent – Devotional Guide
ADMIRER OR DISCIPLE?: Koinonia Farm was an intentional bi-racial community begun in the 1940’s in Americus, Georgia.
Continue reading →ADMIRER OR DISCIPLE?: Koinonia Farm was an intentional bi-racial community begun in the 1940’s in Americus, Georgia.
Continue reading →MORE THAN SYMBOLIC: I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.
Continue reading →NO PLACE LIKE HOME: Like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, we leave the comfort of what we know, searching “over the rainbow” only to discover that, in the end, there is no place like home.
Continue reading →NO PLACE LIKE HOME: Like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, we leave the comfort of what we know, searching “over the rainbow” only to discover that, in the end, there is no place like home.
Continue reading →WILDERNESS WARNING: “…when trouble comes our way, God strengthens and guides us so that we are able to endure it. ”
Continue reading →PARDONED AND FREE: “Who is this merciful God that commands that we love our neighbor, bring justice to the oppressed, and take care of the orphan and widow? ”
Continue reading →IN WHOM DO WE TRUST?: So what can we do to gain back our ability to trust? I believe it begins with prayer.
Continue reading →ENCOUNTERING THE CHRIST: “When we put ourselves up on that mountain and are overshadowed by that cloud; when we hear God speak, our hearts pounding out of our chests, what will our heart feel?”
Continue reading →LOVING AND LETTING GO: “God sends rain on everyone – both the righteous and the unrighteous. And the sun rises on everyone – both the evil and the good.”
Continue reading →“…from Noah and Moses to the sons of Jacob, we hear about the law and the prophets, the promises and the prophecies, and we hear these stories about Jesus year after year. And somehow these stories, they sustain us, year after year.”
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