Some Thoughts on the Story of St. Stephen
For those who mourn a significant loss at this time of year, may you remember that nothing is impossible with God.
Continue reading →For those who mourn a significant loss at this time of year, may you remember that nothing is impossible with God.
Continue reading →The stories of Abraham & Sarah and Hanukkah offer some good instruction on how to celebrate God’s care for us.
Continue reading →By Rev. Mark Breese:
Reflection Why all the downer bible texts about repentance during Advent? The answer is simpler and more hopeful than you might think.
Advent not just a time to prepare for the materialistic things, to prepare our hearts and our minds. It’s about finding the joy we have in knowing that Jesus came to give us life.
Continue reading →We work for justice the best way we know how; we work for peace by using peaceful means to solve conflicts and problems.
Continue reading →I think it would be helpful during this season of Advent to reflect on the things that Jesus came to do for us. One of the most beautiful things that he came to do is to bring us peace.
Continue reading →Peace is difficult to attain in this fast-paced world in which we live, especially during this season when we are hustling and bustling to have a “Merry Christmas” – or to provide one for someone else!
Continue reading →Even though the violence, the hate and the overall increase of conflict is going on in the world, we have hope because we know that God is with us.
Continue reading →Part of the theme of Advent is ‘waiting’. Noah, it turns out, is a good example of waiting for God’s Word.
Continue reading →Love – By Sandra Welch: “How do we learn how to love one another? One way is by accepting others for who they are, and not trying to change them into who you want them to be.”
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