By Rev. Mark Breese: ” I want to share it because I believe it holds a universal truth that is asserting itself exactly because of these stressful times. ‘We don not exist for ourselves alone…”
Continue reading →By Rev. Mark Breese: ” I want to share it because I believe it holds a universal truth that is asserting itself exactly because of these stressful times. ‘We don not exist for ourselves alone…”
Continue reading →By Rev. Mark Breese: “It is a truism that … stuff … happens. Try as we might to make plans and remove the seeming randomness of the universe from the equation, sometimes things just do not work out as we were planning or expecting. But take heart!”
Continue reading →By Rev. Mark Breese: “In the week after Easter there were celebrations that were joyful. Not surprising, of course. But there is also a Cosmic Joke involved.”
Continue reading →By Rev. Helen Harper: The women left the empty tomb with mixed feelings of fear and joy. And they brought the good news of Jesus’ resurrection–a message of hope–to the other disciples.”
Continue reading →By Rev. Mark Breese: “The watermelons tempt us. They win us over—even though we know that they ought not to. Even after we have been forgiven, even after we have repented and done our penance, the Siren Song of the Watermelon from the Work House Field calls us– and we listen!”
Continue reading →By Rev. Mark Breese: “After the first Easter, the Day of Resurrection, Christians have never been without Jesus. He is eternally living and present with us. But there was the first Saturday where Jesus was most definitely not with us.”
Continue reading →Rev. Helen Harper:
“Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.”
Jesus’ last words were a spear of light that shattered the darkness of this dark day. Father, into your hands I commend my spirit, are not the words of a man who had suffered ultimate defeat.”
Rev. Mark Breese:
“It is Finished?”
“Jesus could have done a runner instead of letting himself get arrested. But he didn’t. And now all those choices were finished. All that remained was to take the last step in being fully human.”
Rev. Helen Harper:
“‘I am thirsty’ It has now been many hours since Jesus’ arrest.’
Rev. Mark Breese:
“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
“Lord, we know that you died so that we would always have your spirit, God’s Holy Spirit, within us. Please Lord, we beg you that you make your presence known to all those who are in isolation now.”