Day 22 Third Wednesday In Lent – Devotional Guide
PASSING THE TORCH: “Now Moses is getting ready to leave them. He will not accompany them into the promised land; he has been told to pass the torch to Joshua.”
Continue reading →PASSING THE TORCH: “Now Moses is getting ready to leave them. He will not accompany them into the promised land; he has been told to pass the torch to Joshua.”
Continue reading →LISTEN AND HEAR: “…we are God’s beloved, and God wants to spend time with those whom he loves. That is the rock on which we stand.”
Continue reading →THE FULFILLMENT: “…when I think about the people who knew me during those years it is not surprising that many of them did not understand my conversion.”
Continue reading →PRAYER AND: “to be effective pray-ers, we need to be effective lovers…real prayer comes not from gritting our teeth but from falling in love”
Continue reading →THE TENSION THAT MOLDS US: “Lord God, thank you for your never giving up on us. And even when it creates a tension between us Lord, step in and make a way for us to be united once again.”
Continue reading →THE ILLUSION OF FREEDOM: “…with freedom comes responsibility. As human beings our responsibility may be to live and let live; but as Christians, our responsibility is to love our fellow brothers and sisters.”
Continue reading →BLESSED ARE…: ” We have been in this Lenten study for almost 2 weeks. Perhaps you are taking the call to repentance seriously and you wonder when you will turn the corner and feel forgiven.”
Continue reading →If you have ever been forgiven, you know the goal is freedom! There is no greater feeling on earth than having your guilt lifted but to know that you have to have experienced it!
Continue reading →In this season of Lent, we seek to deepen our relationship with Jesus as the Christ through confession and repentance. But confession and repentance are only part of what makes us whole in Christ.
Continue reading →The problem is in the grey area, where the stumbling blocks are. Most of us know pure evil when we see it, but good seems to be more relative.
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