Strength for Today, Hope for Tomorrow
We can face today’s troubles without letting them create worry that will steal our hope for tomorrow.
Continue reading →We can face today’s troubles without letting them create worry that will steal our hope for tomorrow.
Continue reading →The Color Your Advent 2024 Coloring Book is Here! From December 1st to the 25th, each day has a new Theme, coloring picture, and two sets of reflections giving this Advent resource broad appeal.
Continue reading →Today’s readings remind us that our current trials cannot limit our capacity for joy and hope!
Continue reading →Love is not a passive emotion but an active force, shaping our interactions and choices.
Continue reading →Daily Prayer Guide for the First Monday of Advent. For individual or group use.
“He shall judge between many peoples, and shall arbitrate between strong nations far away; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.”
A reexamination of the Beatitudes, focusing on the blessings for the meek and those in need. How do we find strength in meekness and humility?.
Continue reading →People often talk about keeping the Christmas spirit of hope, peace, love and joy all year long. These two poems by Howard Thurman tell us why it is important to make that a reality.
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