HomeReflectionsDaily ReflectionWe’re in this Together


We’re in this Together — 2 Comments

  1. I read this in an article by David Brooks the other day: The writer Viktor Frankl once wrote about the Holocaust…’We do not get to choose our difficulties, but we do have the freedom to select our responses.’ MEANING, Viktor writes, comes from three things:
    -the work we offer in times of crisis
    -the love we give
    -our ability to display courage in the face of suffering
    Some people are putting holiday lights back up on their houses just to spread some cheer.
    It is a time of invitation to do something for others….even it were only simple kindness….and sincere prayer.

    • Yes, the kindnesses, even the smallest of them, cause a ripple. The universe notices (even when we humans others might miss it), and it matters.