How To Pray The Rosary: Katrina
Katrina is one of the Vincentian Scholars from Niagara University that is doing her internship at Community Missions. She is posting videos about the Rosary. In this post she shows how she prays with the Rosary.
Katrina is one of the Vincentian Scholars from Niagara University that is doing her internship at Community Missions. She is posting videos about the Rosary. In this post she shows how she prays with the Rosary.
“Thinking About Change” – Each Week, Community Missions holds a worship service at their Crisis Services Center in Niagara Fall,s NY. During the response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the service has now moved online. Pastor Mark Breese will be posting the services on the Hope For Niagara YouTube Channel. You can find podcast version of this service here on Anchor FM. You can also subscribe a podcast for all the Chapel Services through Anchor FM, Spotify, or any of these other podcasting services.
By Rev. Kathleen Ordiway, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Niagara Falls: “That’s the message God has for each of us. Do you know that there’s nothing you can do to make God love you and there’s nothing you can do to make God stop loving you? God is our Father and we are His children. He has a love for you that is eternal and unchangeable.”
Continue reading →By Ken Q. Paris: “Montana was a mutt. He was a mixture of dark and light brown fur with pointy ears. He wasn’t a tiny pup and we found he was about 1 year old . . . Montana looked, smelled, and had the reputation of being a down-on-his-luck, broken dog. Kinda like me, I thought.”
Continue reading →Katrina is one of the Vincentian Scholars from Niagara University that is doing her internship at Community Missions. She is posting videos about the Rosary. This post is her first one.
In my first year of Seminary, my New Testament professor said this: “Scripture is always a word on target.” Her words were like a sudden burst of enlightenment in that moment, and have unnervingly continued to be so to this day. Observe:
Continue reading →For people of faith, there is an elephant in the room that, if you have not been asked about it yet, you will be. Or if not asked, you will certainly hear it expressed. It is:
“Where is God in all this Pandemic Stuff?”
There are a bunch of ways to answer that, and I promise I will be addressing some of them along the way. However for today I simply want to start with a poem that Father Stew Lindsay at Holy Family Parish in Niagara Falls sent it to me, and I am so grateful he did.
Continue reading →In the book of Genesis, we are told that God needed a rest after creating … well, everything! I mean after creating and entire universe having a day off seems pretty reasonable. Sometimes I need a break after all the effort to rally myself to just get out of bed in the morning! So, yea, a day of rest for making a universe, I’m good with that.
Continue reading →(Download PDF Of This Reflection) I was a little surprised to hear on the news that yesterday was the vernal equinox—the first day of spring. I love the change of the seasons, but the arrival of spring is the most amazing to me. Spring is my favorite season. It is the rebirth of life after … Continue reading →